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Data protection

Data protection involves how a website collects and makes use of information from persons who visit the website.


Data responsible

  • Data responsible is South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority.

Data processor

  • Data processor is Norsk helsenett SF, The Norwegian Health Network.

The Norwegian Health Network governs the information to which the supplier has access and how the data shall be treated.



Website users can send emails from links on the website. If you send an email, your name, email address and your message will be saved. It is therefore important not to provide any sensitive information or personal data in emails, for example your personal identification number or health information.


The website saves data on traffic/visitor statistics. The statistics show how often each individual area of the website has been visited. We are not able to trace use of the website back to individual persons.

Examples of information saved are the number of visitors to the different pages, which websites they came from, how much time they spend reading the website and which browsers are used. The data saved is utilised for the improvement and further development of the website's contents and offers.


The website saves information on the keywords used by visitors in search. The purpose of this is to improve the information we provide. We can track which keywords get a hit and which search results are chosen by visitors. Only the keywords are saved, and they cannot be linked to other information about visitors.


The Norwegian Personal Data Act contains regulations on how personal data collected shall be treated, how it shall be secured, who has access to the data and whether the data can be transferred to others. The Norwegian Data Protection Authority upholds the legislation in The Personal Data Act.

Last updated 3/23/2023