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Regional NorTrials Meeting in South-Eastern Norway

On Thursday 23 March, study personnel from all the hospitals in South-Eastern Norway were present in Oslo. The purpose was to hear the six center managers present the establishmentof their centres and their plans for national network building within their specialist areas

Published 4/18/2023
Last updated 4/25/2024
The six centre leads

​In addition to the centre leaders, Department Director of South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority, Lars Eikvar, as well as a representative from the pharmaceutical industry, Sandrine Queré (Roche), were present to give us an insight into their perspectives on the NorTrials initiative.

​This was the first of four regional meetings, where the goal is for all hospitals in Norway to get the opportunity to get to know the NorTrials centres and establish contacts for future collaboration.

The next region to be visited by the centre leaders is Central Norway (Trondheim 20 April), followed by Western Norway (Bergen 25 May) and Northern Norway (Tromsø, 16 June).