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NorTrials Cancer

The NorTrials Centre for Cancer is located at Oslo University Hospital.

A person working on a computer
NorTrials Cancer will work to increase the number of clinical trials for cancer patients in Norway, and to increase the number of patients included in ​trials. The aim is to sustain trial activity throughout the country, and for more hospitals to participate as ​​centres in clinical trials.
We already have a well-established network for clinical trials in Norway, as well as experience from the national clinical trial IMPRESS-Norway in which all hospitals with cancer departments participate. We will build on this network and, in addition, develop our cooperation with the industry further.
Considerable work has been done to establish a clinical data warehouse in order to obtain an overview of our own patient population at all times.


Centre Lead Åslaug Helland and Coordinator Charlotte Melby

Photo: Eline Feiring

Centre Lead Åslaug Helland and Coordinator Charlotte Melby


Portrait of Åslaug Helland

Åslaug Helland

Centre Lead

A woman smiling for the camera

Charlotte Melby


charbr@ous-hf.no 904 16 238

Read about Charlotte's network for clinical research nurses and coordinators 

Last updated 4/3/2024