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NorTrials Cardiovascular

The NorTrials centre for cardiovascular diseases is located at Akershus University Hospital (Ahus).


The centre covers clinical trials related to cardiology, cardiometabolic diseases, peripheral vascular diseases, etc. The centre is part of an established clinical research environment at the Department of Cardiology at Akershus University Hospital and the K.G. Jebsen Centre for Cardiac Biomarkers, with broad expertise and established national and international networks. The centre works closely with the hospital's data warehouse, which enables valuable insight into the patient population for recruitment in clinical trials. The centre offers a standardized and efficient process for starting up and carrying out clinical trials. The centre's aim is to collaborate with - and facilitate for - other hospitals to participate in clinical trials in the cardiovascular field, thereby increasing overall Norwegian participation.​

Centre Lead: Peder Langeland Myhre

NorTrials Cardiovascular


Last updated 4/3/2024